Thursday, March 10, 2011

Jauch Questions Walker's Statement

I have deeply respected the mature, responsible and thoughtful manner in which hundreds of thousands of citizens have politely exercised free speech in protesting Governor Walker’s proposal to end 52 years of collective bargaining. People who represent different political views and who come from all walks of life in Wisconsin have united in the effort to fight against this assault on workers rights. The Governor’s proposal has given the citizens their voice back and they have been passionately expressing that voice in an attempt to urge a compromise on the bill.
Had the Senate Democrats not left the state this bill would have been passed in five days, disenfranchising the hundreds of thousands who have protested throughout our state and who have contacted their legislators urging compromise on this bill. I have received from constituents 4,822 email contacts in opposition to the bill and 770 in support of the Governor’s proposal. The simple fact is that these citizens would not have had the opportunity to express their views because the bill would have been passed two weeks ago.
Our decision to leave the state strengthened democracy by enabling citizens to be more personally engaged in their government. Last night’s swift and possibly illegal vote turned the lights out on democracy in Wisconsin. Today Governor Walker had the gall to suggest that he “wanted a civil debate that would respect the rights of others.” His comments are an insult to all citizens who understand that his legislation was specifically designed to eliminate the rights of workers.
Citizens have a right to feel duped and frustrated that their voices fell on the deaf ears of the Governor and the extremist control of the legislative republicans. I call upon all citizens to rise above the pathetic behavior of some of these elected officials and politely, respectfully and diligently apply their energy to engage in the political process to recall legislators who so blindly ignored the will of the people.

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