Monday, March 22, 2010

Church Must Take Responsibility

I recently wrote a letter to the editor of our local weekly newspaper the Rice Lake Chronotype. My letter encouraged the bishops of the Catholic Church to take responsibility for their actions and the actions of those that serve under them in this ever growing scandal of abuses perpetrated on children and adults. I have received some comments from some individuals in the local community that appreciated what I wrote. These comments were to my face. I have also heard from some contacts that some others have said that I should not air the church's dirty laundry. I am a former Catholic and deacon. I have heard that one person said we should just pray about it. Of course I disagree with the last two comments. Some have said that I am just getting even with the church. Why should I lower myself to being even with the church? Upon my leaving the church and my clerical position I asked my bishop (I no longer consider him "my" bishop)to tell me that I had done nothing wrong but the church had failed me as the church had done given me the support to which I was entitled as a church administrator. You can find my letter at Rice Lake Chronotype.